Mining for the Future: Innovation in Action
A multimedia competition showcasing innovation in mining
By leveraging the power of visual media, we can illustrate the innovations that are reshaping the industry, improving safety, and reducing environmental impact. This contest not only aims to celebrate ingenuity but also to inspire dialogue on the future of mining, emphasizing the importance of responsible resource extraction in a rapidly changing world. Contestants are encouraged to highlight cutting-edge technologies, sustainable practices, and the transformative impact of innovation on mining operations.
View Winning Photos View Winning Videos
SME Media Contest Prize Categories*:
Best Photos
- First Place – $500 and 1 year of SME Membership.
- Second Place – $250 and 1 year of SME Membership.
- Third Place – $100 and 1 year of SME Membership.
- Honorable mentions – Super cool SME branded giveaways!
Best Videos
- First Place – $500 and 1 year of SME Membership.
- Second Place – $250 and 1 year of SME Membership.
- Third Place – $100 and 1 year of SME Membership.
- Honorable mentions – Super cool SME branded giveaways!
You will need a photographic release form filled out by any person in your photographs/videos or by a property owner, so please download the appropriate form below and retain for your records.
Permission for Photography/Filming of PersonPermission for Photography/Filming of Property
Photo Submission Rules
Video Submission Rules
All winning images & videos will be displayed in an online gallery with credit. Submissions may also appear in future issues of Mining Engineering and on the SME websites and social media to promote future events.
*All prizes subject to availability. Please contact Marketing if you need any assistance.