Application for SME Young Leaders Committee

The Young Leaders Committee (YLC) aims to support motivated young professionals in the mining industry and foster leaders within the SME professional community. YLC believes the path to success in SME comes from building a diverse and inclusive community that consistently engages with the society through committee representation, networking, and professional development. Please fill out the following information to complete the YLC application. Completed applications are due by May 31st. If you have any questions or issues please contact Raven Refuerzo, staff liaison, and Hannah Chop, , 2025 Membership Subcommittee Chair.

Applicants must be 35 and under
All SME committee members are required to keep their membership current. Please make sure your dues are paid. Lapsed members will not be considered.

Work/Research Experience

SME Involvement - Your Section

SME Involvement - Committees

Two Letters of Endorsement

Two letters of endorsement must be received before your application is submitted to the selection committee. Complete applications are due April 30th.

1. From your supervisor (direct or higher level) at your job.

2. From an SME Member.


1. Please describe how you believe your involvement with the YLC will contribute to your professional ambitions and the overall success of the YLC. Response should be between 150-300 words.

2. Please describe a situation where you demonstrated leadership. What was the outcome and what did you learn from the experience? Response should be between 150-300 words.

3. Please describe your interpretation of the YLC vision and mission. Response should be between 150-300 words.

Bio & Head Shot

Please provide a bio (100–150 words) and head shot. Applications missing any of this information will not be submitted to the selection committee. Complete applications are due April 30th.

Upload biography (max 100 words - PDF or MS Word format)

Upload picture (.png, .gif, or .jpeg format)

Supplemental Information

Note: the following is not necessary for acceptance into SME YLC; however, it provides additional context for the application reviewers.

Additional Leadership Qualifications

A. Held a position as an SME Section Officer and/or other equivalent positions in professional societies, communities, or organizations. Please list all that applies:

B. Held a position as an SME Local Section Committee Chair and/or other equivalent professional societies, communities, or organizations. Please list all that applies:

C. Held a leadership role in a community activity (i.e., homeowners’ associations, youth sport organizations, city government, campus, NGOs, etc.). Please list:



Date of Involvement

D. Describe your volunteer activities with any organization (i.e., Red Cross, campus, NGOs, etc.). Please list:

Volunteer Activity


Date of Involvement

E. Held a management position in the mining, metallurgy, and minerals industry and managed a group of people. Please list:



Number of Personnel Managed

F. Held a management position outside of the mining, metallurgy, and minerals industry and managed a group of people. Please list:



Number of Personnel Managed

G. Participated in any corporate leadership program. This could include a management training program, special project team, program development team, etc. Please indicate:


Type of Program


H. Managed a specific project or team in industry.

Company Name

Project Short Description

I. List Recognition or Award(s) received from a Division or Local Section within SME, or other professional societies or organizations:

Company Name

List of Recognitions or Award(s) (#, Award, Year, Organization)

J. Held a position in a SME Student Chapters. Please list:





Term of Office

K. Other activities demonstrating leadership ability not specified above.

Other activities. List all:

Outputs (presentations, publications, etc.)

L. Made an oral presentation at a recognized mining, metallurgy and minerals meeting. Please list:

Presentation Title

Meeting Name and Location

Date of Publication

Include a copy of your presentation (handouts, abstract, paper, etc...[PDF or MS Powerpoint format])

Include a copy of your presentation (handouts, abstract, paper, etc.)

M. Published a technical article in a leading mining, metallurgy and minerals publication. Please list:

Article Title(s)

Number of Publications

Name and Date (year) of Publication(s)

Include a copy of the article(s) (PDF or MS Word format)

Link for publication list (Google Scholar, ORCID, SCOPUS, etc.)